Android: How to change size of app:fabSize="normal" for Floating Action Button

There are two different sizes of FAB available: normal or mini

  1. Normal (56dp) — This size should be used in most situations.

  2. Mini (40dp) — Should only be used when there is a need for visual continuity with other components displayed on the screen.

You can override the normal and mini sizes by adding the following to values/dimens.xml:

<!-- Overriding sizes of the FAB -->
  <dimen name="design_fab_size_normal">90dp</dimen>
  <dimen name="design_fab_size_mini">30dp</dimen>

The tricky thing would be if you need more than 2 fab sizes, in that case i guess you need to create a custom view extending the fab.

Just user app:fabCustomSize in xml

