Android: How to launch emulator from command line?

Step for :

  1. Copy this cd C:\Users{User}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator from your system
  2. Paste this on System Variable Path Setting.
  3. List available emulators: emulator -list-avds
  4. Start the emulator: emulator -avd {myEmulator}

I could only successfully run the command from the tools folder (Windows 10):

cd %ANDROID_HOME%/tools

To get the list of available virtual devices:

emulator -list-avds

To run it:

emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_24

You can then put this at a .bat file:

cd %ANDROID_HOME%/tools

Open command prompt anywhere and use the following command

  • To get the list of available emulator

    emulator -list-avds

  • To open a emulator

    emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_23