android: how to load xml file from assets directory?
i succeded at loading and parsing my xml file from assets directory (assets/level/castle1.tmx)
here's what i did:
replaced this:
XmlResourceParser xrp = ctx.getResources().getXml(ctx.getResources().getIdentifier(name, "xml", ctx.getPackageName()));
by this:
InputStream istr = context.getAssets().open("level/"+name+".tmx");
XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
xrp = factory.newPullParser();
xrp.setInput(istr, "UTF-8");
then all i had to do was editing some getAttributeIntValue() lines:
int a = xrp.getAttributeIntValue(null, "width",0));
into this:
int a = Integer.parseInt(xrp.getAttributeValue(null, "width"));
and all the rest worked without modifications :) ..this class is for parsing tiled xml/map files to build my game levels. before, it worked using res/ but i wanted to try to put all my files into assets/ instead. so now it works :)
thanks for the help
In res/
folder all xml files are precompiled, whereas in assets/
folder they are not. So, you can't use openXmlResourceParser()
with non-precompiled resources. Instead use open()
and read file through InputStream