Android NotificationListenerService onNotificationPosted fire twice

I'm not sure why this happens. Maybe flags of notifications could be triggering it twice.

You can try to omit duplicate executing yourself:

public class NotifyService extends NotificationListenerService {
    private String mPreviousNotificationKey;
    public void onNotificationPosted(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
        if(TextUtils.isEmpty(mPreviousNotification) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(mPreviousNotification) && !sbn.getKey().equals(mPreviousNotificationKey)){
        Log.i("NotifyService", "got notification");

Each StatusBarNotification has unique key which is generated:

private String key() {
   return user.getIdentifier() + "|" + pkg + "|" + id + "|" + tag + "|" + uid;


Holding each previous key can distinguish latter notification for given package.