android on change class event code example
Example: android on change class event
//It's not possible directly. However, you can make your field private, add getters and setters, and create a method of adding listeners (this is called the Observer pattern):
interface ConnectionBooleanChangedListener {
public void OnMyBooleanChanged();
public class Connect {
private static boolean myBoolean;
private static List<ConnectionBooleanChangedListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ConnectionBooleanChangedListener>();
public static boolean getMyBoolean() { return myBoolean; }
public static void setMyBoolean(boolean value) {
myBoolean = value;
for (ConnectionBooleanChangedListener l : listeners) {
public static void addMyBooleanListener(ConnectionBooleanChangedListener l) {
//Then, wherever you want to listen to changes of the boolean, you can register a listener:
Connect.addMyBooleanListener(new ConnectionBooleanChangedListener() {
public void OnMyBooleanChanged() {
// do something
//Adding a method to remove listeners is left as an exercise. Obviously, for this to work, you need to make sure that myBoolean is only changed via setMyBoolean, even inside of Connect.