Android Play Billing Library: onSkuDetailsResponse responseCode is 0, but the size of skuDetailsList is also 0

I have spent few hours with this issue and the problem was that my debug build/CI builds had applicationIdSuffix. So only production build with proper applicationId was able to retrieve the products.

Sounds like you're having issues with your Google Play Console setup.

Please check that:

  • your app is published in Play Console (to PROD or your @gmail account is in the user's alpha/beta group)
    • I also recommend adding your test @gmail account into license testers list to avoid being charged and license issues
  • has correct signature and version code of test app is equal to published one
  • all of your SKUs are also published
  • your Play Store app works correctly on the phone you're testing (allows you to purchase apps for example)

And wait for some time after setup is done.

I also had the same problem, but by doing the following, I got SkuDetails.

  • Stop Google Play app
  • Delete cache of Google Play app
  • Stop the application and start it