Android Robolectric unit test for Marshmallow PermissionHelper

From Robolectric 4.2 you can use:

Application application = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext();
ShadowApplication app = Shadows.shadowOf(application);

Instead of using ActivityCompat I'm using ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission() which receives a context, so send a mock of the context and return permission granted, this is work for us:

Instead of:

ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(activity, permission);


ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, permission);

then in your text you can send a mock directly to your hasPermissions method and stub the result as:

Context context = mock(Context.class);

Your problem is that you're using a different application to grant permissions, not your own.

Instead of this:

application = new ShadowApplication();

you should get a shadow of your application, like this:

application = Shadows.shadowOf(activity.getApplication());