Android Studio - gradle task to execute after SYNC

Some while ago JetBrains extended their idea gradle plugin and now you can write something like

idea.project.settings {
  taskTriggers {
    afterSync tasks.getByName("myTask")

You must apply the plugin, such as

plugins {
  id "org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext" version "0.7"

Inside the Gradle menu (usually located on the upper right corner of Android Studio), there is a list of tasks. By right clicking on the task, it is possible to set Execute After Sync.

enter image description here

Finally, I've managed to trigger the task on every Sync event. Apparently gradle.projectsEvaluated is either not executed at all when syncing, or it is executed after build task, so the solution is to get rid of it completely

apply plugin: ''

task myTask {
