Android Studio: how to remove/update the "Created by" comment added to all new classes?

From the menu bar:

  • on Mac OS choose Android Studio -> Preferences
  • on Windows and Linux choose File -> Settings

Then look for Editor -> File and Code Templates in the left hand pane.

You have two ways you can change this...

1) Select the Includes tab and edit the Created by... text directly.

enter image description here

2) Select the Templates tab and edit the #parse("File") line for any template that you desire.

templates tab edit

Personally I followed option 1) and made the default header comment a TODO, e.g.

 * TODO: Add a class header comment!

These instructions are based on Android Studio v0.3.7. and also tested on v1.2.1.1

You can overwrite the ${USER} variable in the template file with the #set( $VARIABLE = "value") function.

On windows: Press Ctrl+Alt+S and go to Settings -> File and Code Templates -> Includes -> File Header

On Mac: Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor -> 
File and Code Templates -> Includes -> File Header

prepend the #set() function call, for example:

#set( $USER = "YourName" )
* Created by ${USER} on ${DATE}.

As well as Dan's answer (which is the much more rigorous way), you can also click into the header, and option-enter (on Mac), and you can choose to edit the default file template. Alternatively, click the little lightbulb to get here as well

enter image description here