Android Studio - local path doesn't exist

I originally saw this error after upgrading from 0.2.13 to 0.3. These instructions have been updated for the release of Android Studio 0.5.2. These are the steps I completed to resolve the issue.

1.In build.gradle make sure gradle is set to 0.9.0

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

2.In make sure to use gradle 1.11

#Wed Apr 10 15:27:10 PDT 2013

3.Sync project with gradle files by pressing the button to the left of the avd button

enter image description here

4.Try to build project again. If still having issues possibly try File > Invalidate Caches/Restart

NOTE: If you are using 0.9.+ and it gives Could not GET ''. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized (happens sporadically) then change to 0.9.0. Also, you have to use build tools 19.0 or greater I believe so make sure you have those downloaded in sdk manager and use as buildToolsVersion in whichever gradle file holds that info.

Try this:

  1. Close IDE
  2. Remove .idea folder and all .iml files in the project.
  3. Restart the IDE and re-import the project.

Original post:

I managed to find a temporary workaround. Do all by yourself using command line :

// build apk
./gradlew assemble --daemon

// debug apk is unaligned so we need to align it
zipalign -f 4 app/build/apk/app-debug-unaligned.apk app/build/apk/app-debug.apk

// reinstall it using adb
adb install -r app/build/apk/app-debug.apk

This is temporary, but I hope they will fix this for 0.2.5

Edit : not fixed in 0.2.5

Edit2 : fixed for now by adding in my module.iml file (in facet/configuration) :

<option name="APK_PATH" value="/build/apk/appname-debug-unaligned.apk" />