Android Studio recognizes physical Device as Null?

Just run this command after you connect your device to your Ubuntu system:

adb devices

This works for me.

Note: Make sure you have selected file transfer option in your phone.

Ok So I finally found the problem, apparently on this device you have to set to connect as camera(even after usb debugging is already enabled)

enter image description here

Also this link describes the setting up process

I've seen this error a few times when adb hasn't been connected with correct permissions.

On the terminal try

~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools> ./adb devices    

if it returns

<deviceIdentifier> no permissions

then you need to restart adb with correct perms

~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools$> ./adb kill-server
~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools$> sudo ./adb devices

if that worked then you'll get

List of devices attached
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
<deviceIdentifier>  device

No more Sdk version resolution issues in Android Studio after that.