Android Studio release build does not output aar
From Gradle > select your project > Tasks > Build > build dependents
As shown in below image :
Here are the steps:
Step1: In Android studio open 'gradle' window.
Step2: Select your library from the gradles projects
Step3: Click on Tasks => build => assemble
The aar file will be generated in 'build/outputs' folder in finder window.
To get the aar, you can do the following
1) “View/Tool Windows/Gradle”, to open the gradle window
2) From gradle window, run assembly Gradle task by double-click on My_Plugin_Android/:My_Plugin/Tasks/build/assemble
Then the release and debug aars are outputed.
Ensure that the following line is there in your build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
- Open gradle window in android studio (Look at right top corner)
- Double click on Library => Tasks => build => assemble