Android Studio: Switching a URL depending on buildtype? (used for testing in debug /release)

You can use the BuildConfig for supplying different URLs for each BuildType

buildTypes {
    debug {
        buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_URL", '"http://someurl/"'
        buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_URL", '"http://someotherurl/"'

The BuildConfig will be autogenerated each time you sync your project with the gradle file. In your code, you can access the URL like this:


If you don't want to commit these URLs, you can store them in your just like your password and such and reference them in the build.gradle.

buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_URL", serverurl.debug

   buildTypes {
    release {
        runProguard false
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
        buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", '"url1"'
        debuggable false


   debug {
        runProguard false
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
        buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", '"url2"'
        debuggable true


This you need to do in the gradle and to make run two applications(release and debug) in a same phone just add

applicationIdSuffix ".debug"

in debug portion. As the package name will be different. This worked for me.