Android Studio: You must specify a path to Genymotion folder to use this feature

make sure you have installed genymotion and virtual box then provide the link to genymotion location in windows by default is C:/program files/genymobile/genymotion

Not sure if anyone had the same problem but I received this same warning from Android Studio when clicking on the Genymotion Plugin warning me that

"You must specify a path to genymotion folder to use this feature"

The path was correct according to previous answers for a Mac but the problem was simply that the Genymotion plugin just needed to be updated. I went to Android Studio > Preferences > Plugins > Genymotion and selected update (This is on a mac) and the problem went away after I updated the plugin and restarted Android Studio. Hope this helps someone else with the same problem.

For windows, the default path is C:\Program Files\Genymobile\Genymotion

On a Mac, you will find it here: /Applications/

You have to enter it inside the Android Studio settings, under Genymotion section.