Android testing sms from emulator

Now we can use emulator's extended control to send directly to the emulator.

  1. Open Extended controls window.
  2. Open Phone tab
  3. Enter message and send

enter image description here

You might want to refer to one of my article on handling Emulator SMS:

Check this for Sending SMS to the Emulator using Port.

Sending SMS for Emulators...

It is so simple first start the emulator and launch your application. now if you have another project(any) launch this in another emulator. On the other emulator start sms application and send sms to the emulator in which your app is running.The phone no. is simply the emulator number like 5556 or 5554.


Now You can send an SMS or make a call using Emulator Control. In Eclipse go to window->show views->other->Emulator control.


