Android: Unable to find explicit activity class... startActivity from a PreferenceActivity

I had this problem too. If you read carefully the error on the logcat, you will know what to do.

You have to declare the activity in the AndroidManifest.xml

        android:label="@string/app_name" >
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

For me this error occurred because I had moved my activity class file to a different package and for some reason Eclipse didn't refactor it correctly. Always use a fully qualified name for your activity and double-check that it is accurate.

When starting an activity from inside another you need to provide your AndroidManifest file the parent child relationship, to ensure that the started activity will return its result to you requires parent activity. example,

            android:name="ACTIVITY TO BE STARTED"
            android:screenOrientation="landscape" >
                android:value="ACTIVITY STARTED FROM?RETURNING TO" />