Android UserManager: Check if user is owner (admin)

You can create an extension property in Kotlin to make it simpler:

val UserManager.isCurrentUserDeviceOwner: Boolean
    get() = if (SDK_INT >= 23) isSystemUser
    else if (SDK_INT >= 17) getSerialNumberForUser(Process.myUserHandle()) == 0L
    else true

Then, using it is as simple as the following:

val userManager = context.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE) as UserManager
if (userManager.isCurrentUserDeviceOwner) TODO() else TODO()

You can further reduce boilerplate by using global system services definitions that makes userManager and other Android System Services available anywhere in your Kotlin code, with code included in this library I made:

After researching further i found out that the multiuser api is not functional yet, it cant really be used for anything. there is a hack though for checking if the user is the owner using reflections:

public boolean isCurrentUserOwner(Context context)
        Method getUserHandle = UserManager.class.getMethod("getUserHandle");
        int userHandle = (Integer) getUserHandle.invoke(context.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE));
        return userHandle == 0;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return false;

This works for me on the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 with Android 4.2.1 Its very dirty. so i wouldnt recommend using it unless you are making an app thats device and version specific

Similar but without reflection:

static boolean isAdminUser(Context context)
    UserHandle uh = Process.myUserHandle();
    UserManager um = (UserManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE);
    if(null != um)
        long userSerialNumber = um.getSerialNumberForUser(uh);
        Log.d(TAG, "userSerialNumber = " + userSerialNumber);
        return 0 == userSerialNumber;
        return false;