Android using Gradle Build flavors in the code like an if case

To avoid plain string in the condition, you can define a boolean property:

productFlavors {
    normal {
        flavorDimension "access"
        buildConfigField 'boolean', 'IS_ADMIN', 'false'

    admin {
        flavorDimension "access"
        buildConfigField 'boolean', 'IS_ADMIN', 'true'

Then you can use it like this:

if (BuildConfig.IS_ADMIN) {

BuildConfig.FLAVOR gives you combined product flavor. So if you have only one flavor dimension:

productFlavors {
    normal {

    admin {

Then you can just check it:

if (BuildConfig.FLAVOR.equals("admin")) {

But if you have multiple flavor dimensions:

flavorDimensions "access", "color"

productFlavors {
    normal {
        dimension "access"

    admin {
        dimension "access"

    red {
        dimension "color"

    blue {
        dimension "color"

there are also BuildConfig.FLAVOR_access and BuildConfig.FLAVOR_color fields so you should check it like this:

if (BuildConfig.FLAVOR_access.equals("admin")) {

And BuildConfig.FLAVOR contains full flavor name. For example, adminBlue.