Android : When do we use getIntent()?
is used to pass data from an activity to another,
For example If you want to switch from an activity named startActivity
to another one named endActivity
and you want that a data from startActivity
will be known in the endActivity
you do the following:
In startActivity
String dataToTransmit="this info text will be valid on endActivity";
Intent intent =new Intent(this, endActivity.class);
on endActivity
Intent intent = getIntent();
String dataTransmited=intent.getStringExtra("dataToTransmitKey");
Return the intent that started this activity.
If you start an Activity with some data, for example by doing
Intent intent = new Intent(context, SomeActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("someKey", someData);
you can retrieve this data using getIntent in the new activity:
Intent intent = getIntent();
intent.getExtra("someKey") ...
So, it's not for handling returning data from an Activity, like onActivityResult, but it's for passing data to a new Activity.
listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
Intent intent = new Intent(ItemListView.this, ViewItemClicked.class);
String name = itemList.get(position).getString(1);
String description = itemList.get(position).getString(2);
String something_else = itemList.get(position).getString(3);
intent.putExtra("name", name);
intent.putExtra("description", description);
intent.putExtra("something_else", something_else);
In your Details Activity:
Intent intent = getIntent();
String name = intent.getStringExtra("name");
String description = intent.getStringExtra("description");
String something_else = intent.getStringExtra("something_else");
Now use the strings to show the values in the desired places: as