Android: Writing test cases for Fragments

Here's a rough guide using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2:

Step 1. Create a blank Activity to hold your fragment(s)

  private static class FragmentUtilActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      LinearLayout view = new LinearLayout(this);


Step 2: Inside your test, instantiate your fragment and add it to the blank activity

public class MyFragmentTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<FragmentUtilActivity> { 
    private MyFragment fragment;

    public void setup() {
        fragment = new MyFragment();
        getActivity().getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(1, fragment, null).commit();

Step 3 Test your instantiated fragment

public void aTest() {

If you're using robolectric, this is pretty straightforward using the FragmentUtilTest class:

public void aTest() {
    // instantiate your fragment
    MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment();

    // Add it to a blank activity

    // ... call getView().findViewById() on your fragment

Here is my working solution:

  1. Create an instrumentation unit test class for this in androidTest directory, i.e.:

    public class FragmentTest extends 
    ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<MainActivity> {
         private MainActivity testingActivity;
         private TestFragment testFragment;
  2. call this constructor inside this new class:

    public FragmentTest() {
  3. override the setUp() method (be sure to have in your Activity class) where you will call at the end waitForIdleSync():

    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        // Starts the activity under test using
        // the default Intent with:
        // action = {@link Intent#ACTION_MAIN}
        // flags = {@link Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK}
        // All other fields are null or empty.
        testingActivity = getActivity();
        testFragment = new TestFragment();
         * Synchronously wait for the application to be idle.  Can not be called
         * from the main application thread -- use {@link #start} to execute
         * instrumentation in its own thread.
         * Without waitForIdleSync(); our test would have nulls in fragment references.
  4. Write a test method, for example somethng like:

    public void testGameFragmentsTextViews() {
       String empty = "";
       TextView textView = (TextView)testFragment.getView().findViewById(;
       assertTrue("Empty stuff",(textView.getText().equals(empty)));   
  5. Run the test.