Angular 2 - Check current active route "name"

Create a service called ActiveState which will subscribe to changes to the router, using

import {Injectable} from "@angular/core";
import {Router, ActivatedRoute, NavigationEnd} from "@angular/router";

export class ActiveState {

  public name : string;

  constructor(router : Router, route : ActivatedRoute)
  { => {
      if(event instanceof NavigationEnd){

        // Traverse the active route tree
        var snapshot = route.snapshot;
        var activated = route.firstChild;
        if(activated != null) {
          while (activated != null) {
            snapshot = activated.snapshot;
            activated = activated.firstChild;

        // Try finding the 'stateName' from the data =['stateName'] || "unnamed";

  is(name : string) : boolean
    return === name;

Then on your route we add a simple value on the data param of the route called stateName for each state we want to name:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'queue/:date/:offset/:type',
    component: BundleListComponent,
    resolve: { response: BundleListResolve }
    data: { stateName: 'Bundle' },
    children: [
            path: ':bundleId', component: PointListComponent,
            resolve: { response: PointListResolve },
            data: { stateName: 'Point'}

Then when you inject state : ActiveState you can simple test the value"Point")

I believe there is an issue with Scott's answer where he uses the ActivatedRoute inside the constructor of the service. This route won't get updated.

I thought of another solution which might peek your interest. It again comes down on using the data property on the routes, but now using another resolve service:

You are going to need a RouterConfig like this, where for each route you add the state: StateResolve and a data object containing the state name:

const routes: RouterConfig = [{
    path: 'queue/:date/:offset/:type',
    component: BundleListComponent,
    resolve: {
       response: BundleListResolve,
       state: StateResolve
    data: {
       state: 'Bundle'

don't forget to add the StateResolve service to the providers array

Your StateResolve service will look something like this:

export class StateResolve implements Resolve<string> {

   constructor(private stateService: StateService) {}

   resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): string {
       let state: string =['state']
       return state;

Obviously you will need a StateService which has the setState method, but I guess from here it's pretty self-explanatory.

Perhaps using a resolve guard is a bit eccentric, but if you think about it, you are trying to resolve data before you show the route. In this case, the state inside the data variable, so it does make sense to use the Resolve to access the data property