Angular 2+: Get child element of @ViewChild()

You can use the nativeElement property of the ElementRef given by ViewChild to get the corresponding HTML element. From there, standard DOM methods and properties give access to its children:

  • element.children
  • element.querySelector
  • element.querySelectorAll
  • etc.

For example:

@ViewChild("parent") private parentRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;

public getChildren() {
  const parentElement = this.parentRef.nativeElement;
  const firstChild = parentElement.children[0];
  const firstImage = parentElement.querySelector("img");

See this stackblitz for a demo.

use ViewChildren instead which gets all elements with same tag.

@ViewChildren('parent') parents: QueryList<any>;

To convert those elements to array:

const arr = this.parent.toArray();

Choose first element:

const el = arr[0]

Access child html of first element: const innerHtml = el.nativeElement.innerHtml;