Angular 2+ material mat-chip-list formArray validation

The problem is that the chipList's errorState isn't set to true when the chipList's FormArray status is INVALID.

I'm facing the same problem and don't know why this isn't working out of the box or how this can be achieved implicitly with the chipList's form being a FormArray.

As a workaround you can listen to status changes from the FormArray and set the chipList's errorState manually:

@ViewChild('chipList') chipList: MatChipList;

ngOnInit() {
    status => this.chipList.errorState = status === 'INVALID'

Unfortunately, it's not possible to use any of Angular's predefined validators because they are not designed to work with arrays. I manage to do it with the help of this article:

To be able to get the validation working on a mat-chip-list we have to bind both the mat-input and mat-chip-list with same FormControl like below

Working Stackblitz link here

<form [formGroup]='group'>
  <mat-form-field class="example-chip-list">
    <mat-chip-list #chipList
      <mat-chip *ngFor="let fruit of fruits"
        <mat-icon matChipRemove>cancel</mat-icon>
      <input placeholder="New fruit..."
            (matChipInputTokenEnd)="add($event)" required>
      <!-- add mat-error  -->
    <mat-error *ngIf="group.controls.newFruit.hasError('required')">required!</mat-error>