Angular 2 observable subscribing twice executes call twice

You may use the share operator on your result from HttpClient.get, like this:

var observable = this.httpClient.get('api/version/secured', { headers: httpHeaders })

You'll need to add the following import on top of your script:

import { share } from 'rxjs/operators';

The share operator makes an observable hot, i.e. shared between subscribers. But there's a lot more to it, I would suggest this article to dive deeper (you can of course also google up hot vs cold observables to find more).

Your observable is cold:

An observable is cold if the producer of its notifications is created whenever an observer subscribes to the observable. For example, a timer observable is cold; each time a subscription is made, a new timer is created.

You need to multicast your Observable, or in other words, to make it hot:

An observable is hot if the producer of its notifications is not created each time an observer subscribes to the observable. For example, an observable created using fromEvent is hot; the element that produces the events exists in the DOM — it’s not created when the observer is subscribed.

For this you can use share operator, but it still cannot guarantee you a single http call. Share will multicast your observable, making it shared between the subscribers, but once the http call completes it will make a new http call for new subscribers.

If you want a caching behavior (performing the call once and then providing the value to each subscriber whenever it subscribes) you should use publishReplay().refCount().

Further reading:

Publish and share operators