angular 2 resolver for every view

You basically need one resolver for each component and need to be declare once for each route, unless they are parent > child, you can share the resolver between them like below:

const MessagesRoutes: Routes = [
  { path: '', resolve: { messages: EmailResolver }, children: [
    { path: 'inbox', component: InboxComponent },
    { path: 'outbox', component: OutboxComponent },
    { path: 'sent', component: SentComponent },
    { path: 'received', component: ReceivedComponent }

Not sure what your question is about but you can use a componentless parent route with a resolver and share this with all its child routes

const MessagesRoutes: Routes = [
    { path: '', resolve: { messages: InboxResolver }, children: [
        { path: 'inbox', component: InboxComponent},
        { path: 'xxx', component: XxxComponent},
        { path: 'zzz', component: XxxComponent},

Provided you just want to add the resolver to every top level route then something like the below would do it.

   const addGlobalResolver = <T extends Type<Resolve<any>>>(routePaths: Routes, resolver: T, name: string): Routes => {
      return => {
        if (route.resolve != null || route.resolve === undefined) {
          route.resolve = {};
        route.resolve[name] = resolver;
        return route;

Just invoke it before you pass the routes to the routing module.

[RouterModule.forRoot(addGlobalResolver(routes, InjuryResolver, 'Injury'))]