Angular 5, how to detect user inactivity
You could try with this :
export class AppComponent {
userInactive: Subject<any> = new Subject();
constructor() {
this.userInactive.subscribe(() => console.log('user has been inactive for 3s'));
setTimeout() {
this.userActivity = setTimeout(() =>, 3000);
@HostListener('window:mousemove') refreshUserState() {
Seems to work in this stackblitz : open the console, don't move your mouse for 3 seconds : you see the message.
Refresh the page, move your mouse on the preview (right side) for a couple of seconds : the message doesn't pop until you stop for 3s.
You can obviously export that into a service, because as you can see, I'm using only a class to do that.
Service that solves this problem (instead of a component as the accepted answer), handles touch, type and mouse. Emits an event N seconds after the user has been idle, and when he 'wakes up'. Works on Angular 11:
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { fromEvent, Subject } from "rxjs";
providedIn: 'root',
export class IdleService {
public idle$: Subject<boolean> = new Subject();
public wake$: Subject<boolean> = new Subject();
isIdle = false;
private idleAfterSeconds = 10;
private countDown;
constructor() {
// Setup events
fromEvent(document, 'mousemove').subscribe(() => this.onInteraction());
fromEvent(document, 'touchstart').subscribe(() => this.onInteraction());
fromEvent(document, 'keydown').subscribe(() => this.onInteraction());
onInteraction() {
// Is idle and interacting, emit Wake
if (this.isIdle) {
this.isIdle = false;
// User interaction, reset start-idle-timer
this.countDown = setTimeout(() => {
// Countdown done without interaction - emit Idle
this.isIdle = true;
}, this.idleAfterSeconds * 1_000)
Usage, inject in constructor and use:
constructor(private idleService: IdleService) {
idleService.idle$.subscribe(s => console.log('im idle, zzz'));
idleService.wake$.subscribe(s => console.log('im awake!'));
A possible solution is to use this package angular-user-idle
I have not used it in real application but might be slightly more robust than the solution proposed in the previous answer.
This solution worked fine for me. the problem I faced with the accepted answer is, it only focuses on mouse events and no keyboard keypress events
userInactive: Subject<any> = new Subject();
constructor( ) {
this.userInactive.subscribe(() => {
These events check if user is idle for a specific time and then subscribe to a different ( lock ) screen
keyPress(event: KeyboardEvent): void { clearTimeout(this.userActivity); this.setTimeout(); } setTimeout(): void { this.userActivity = setTimeout(() =>, 900000); } @HostListener('window:mousemove') refreshUserState() { clearTimeout(this.userActivity); this.setTimeout(); }