Angular 6 nested ViewChild inside ng-template is null

You can call the method audio.someFunction() from the template itself.

<ng-template #modal let-modal>
  <div style="background-color: red;"> 
  <h1>Modal header</h1>
  <app-audio #audio></app-audio>
  <!-- on click, call audio comp method someFunction() using its reference --> 
  <button (click)="audio.someFunction()">Operate with audio from inside modal</button>

No need of @ViewChild property here. This should do the trick for you.

Forked demo

You can read the child component without the refrence variable like this

audio: AudioComponent;

This will give you the instance of the child component - where you can access the method

Your html

<ng-template #modal let-modal>

This will solve your issue i think - Happy coding


Hope i found a workaround for this issue - if in case you want to trigger only one function you can use this method

I have just added a property with getter and setter and triggered the function when we set the value

  get triggerFunction(): boolean {
    return this.runFuntion;

  set triggerFunction(value: boolean) {
    this.runFuntion = value;

So this causes to trigger the function every time when the model show up - property mentioned above belongs to the child component which is nested inside the <ng-template> so finally the model template will read as mentioned below:

<ng-template #modal let-modal>
  <app-audio [triggerFunction]="true"></app-audio>

Hope this will act a workaround for now - Thanks