Angular no provider for NameService

You should be injecting NameService inside providers array of your AppModule's NgModule metadata.

   imports: [BrowserModule, ...],
   declarations: [...],
   bootstrap: [AppComponent],
   //inject providers below if you want single instance to be share amongst app
   providers: [MyService]
export class AppModule {


If you want to create an Dependency for particular component level without bothering about state of your application, then you can inject that dependency on component providers metadata option like accepted @Klass answer shown.

As of Angular 2 Beta:

Add @Injectable to your service as:

export class NameService {
    names: Array<string>;

    constructor() {
        this.names = ["Alice", "Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];

    getNames() {
        return this.names;

and to your component config add the providers as:

    selector: 'my-app',
    providers: [NameService]

You have to use providers instead of injectables

    selector: 'my-app',
    providers: [NameService]

Complete code sample here.

In Angular 2 there are three places you can "provide" services:

  1. bootstrap
  2. root component
  3. other components or directives

"The bootstrap provider option is intended for configuring and overriding Angular's own preregistered services, such as its routing support." -- reference

If you only want one instance of NameService across your entire app (i.e., Singleton), then include it in the providers array of your root component:

   providers: [NameService],
export class AppComponent { ... }


If you would rather have one instance per component, use the providers array in the component's configuration object instead:

   providers: [NameService],
export class SomeOtherComponentOrDirective { ... }

See the Hierarchical Injectors doc for more info.