angular routing multiple paths to same component

Building on CornelC's answer, I wrote a method that accepts an array of string as paths and spits out a url matcher that will match an element of the array:

    export const routingMatcher: ((paths: string[]) => UrlMatcher) = (paths: string[]) => {
      const result: UrlMatcher = (segments) => {
        const matchingPathIndex = paths.findIndex((path, index) => {
          const pathSegments = path.split("/");
          return segments.every((segment, i) =>
            pathSegments.length > i && (
              pathSegments[i].startsWith(":") ? true : segment.path.toLowerCase() === pathSegments[i].toLowerCase()));
        if (matchingPathIndex >= 0) {
          const matchingPath = paths[matchingPathIndex];
          const consumed: UrlSegment[] = [];
          const params = {};
          matchingPath.split("/").forEach((path, i) => {
            if (path.startsWith(":")) {
              const param = path.substring(1);
              params[param] = segments[i];
          return {
            consumed: consumed,
            posParams: params
        return null;
      return result;

You can use it like this in your routing definitions:

    children: [
      // excluding the other paths for brevity
        matcher:  routingMatcher(['today', 'tomorrow', 'expired'])
        component: AccessRequestsComponent

You can use a mapped array:

children: [
  // excluding the other paths for brevity
  ...['today', 'tomorrow', 'expired'].map(path => ({
    component: AccessRequestsComponent

You can use the UrlMatcher property.

      path: 'access-requests',
      canActivate: [AccessGuard],
      component: AccessRequestsComponent,
      children: [
          path: '',
          redirectTo: 'today',
          pathMatch: 'full'
          matcher: matcherFunction,
          component: AccessRequestsComponent


    export function matcherFunction(url: UrlSegment[]) {
        if (url.length == 1) {
            const path = url[0].path;
               || path.startsWith('tomorrow') 
               || path.startsWith('expired')){
              return {consumed: url};
        return null;

Note: Untested code

