Angular2: Is it slow?

If you follow the QuickStart tutorial line by line if for the latest version alpha27, it's going to be dead slow as the System.js and angular2.min.js file takes ages to load. Better is if you can use our own server to host them. Moreover, from your code you seem to be using a pre-alpha20 codebase. Upgrade to alpha27, it's a hell lot faster.

Yes, a page written using angular2 is slow.

I'm not saying the angular2 code is slow (I wouldn't dare), just that the simplest page you can write using angular will load in 5 seconds or more. There are a LOT of files which need to be loaded. It's true that you can make this faster by combining files so you get fewer http requests, and being careful about not loading stuff you are not using, but it is never going to be fast like a simple html + js page.

It is important to remember though, that angular is designed for single page apps. All the dependencies load once, in a single index file, and from then on, the angular routing allows you to navigate to different "pages", which are really just template files.

In other words, once the big upfront hit is done, it can be really fast, and most importantly, very productive.

  • You are running with RTTS (run-time type system checks) It is great for development, but slow for production
  • We have not concatenated all the files into single file for fast loading.
  • We still have the slow change detection, since the fast one is not yet working in Dart, and we want to be consistent.

See on how to get it to run fast.