Angular2 ngFor how to count the number of looping values?

There is a local variable named count.

<li *ngFor="let user of users; count as c">
  {{c}} is number of iterable thing 


  <li *ngFor="let item of items; let i = index">
    {{i}}. {{item}}
{{items ? items.length : ''}}

You could just print the length of the items array.

Iterating over array

Regarding the docs: and

Say you have an iterable:

let content = [

Then you can iterate and count with:

<li *ngFor="let item of content; let i = index">
    {{i+1}} {{item}}

Iterating over object properties

If you want to iterate over an object rather than an array of objects, check How to iterate object keys using *ngFor

For the record, you need a custom pipe:

@Pipe({ name: 'keys',  pure: false })
export class KeysPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(value: any, args: any[] = null): any {
        return Object.keys(value)//.map(key => value[key]);

So that would be

<li *ngFor="let key of objs | keys; let i = index"> ...


From Angular 6.1+, you can use the native KeyValuePipe.

For the record:

<li *ngFor="let item of data | keyvalue; let i = index">
  {{i+1}}. {{item.key}} - {{item.value}}