AngularJS ng-click fires twice

This is probably obscure, but I had ng-click firing twice because I had BrowserSync running, which would mirror my inputs into a tab that I had open in another window, thus doubling up all my clicks. To resolve, I disabled “ghostMode”:

Same problem using

<a ng-click="fn()"></a>

fn was called twice

Using a button fixed it :

<button ng-click="fn()"></button>

The code you've provided does not fire the event twice: (click Save)

Perhaps you included Angular twice? If you do that, you'll get two alerts, demonstrated here:

I had a similar problem, but could not find where I included Angular twice in my files.

I was using an ajax calls to load specific form layouts, so I need to use $compile to activate Angular on the inserted DOM. However, I was using $compile on my directive $element which has a controller attached. Turns out this "includes" the controller twice, causing two triggers with ng-click or ng-submit.

I fixed this by using $compile directly on the inserted DOM instead of my directive $element.