AngularJS ngRepeat: how to differentiate even/odd elements?

Try $even and $odd properties. Refer the documentation.

Like :

<tr data-ng-repeat="element in awesomeThings">
<div ng-if="$even">
    <td class="even">
        <a href="#">
<div ng-if="$odd">
    <td class="odd">
        <a href="#">

You don't need to use ng-if to check whether it's an even or odd element, that functionality is built-in already:

    <tr ng-repeat="element in awesomeThings">
        <span ng-class="$even ? 'odd' : 'even'">{{element}}</span>

Another built-in feature is ng-class which gives you several options to conditionally set a css class, here I'm using the ternary version but there are other ways to use it also.

Here is a working example

Also, here is a good article explaining more about ng-class

You can also use ng-class-even and ng-class-odd.

