Animate flow lines of time-dependent 3D dynamical system
You can use ParametricPlot3D
to get smoother orbits:
n = 50;
seeds = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {n, 3}];
tbar = 10;
Animate[ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate[func[seeds[[#]], t] & /@ Range[Length@seeds]],
{t, 0, tmax},
BoxRatios -> 1,
PlotStyle -> Arrowheads[Medium],
ImageSize -> 400,
PlotRange -> {{-60, 60}, {-1, 1}, {-10, 10}}] /. Line -> Arrow,
{tmax, .01, tbar}]
Update: "Is there a way to use this this implementation to animate as all of orbit 1, followed by all of orbit 2, followed by....?"
colors = Table[Hue@RandomReal[], {n}];
Animate[ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate[ConditionalExpression[func[seeds[[#]], t - (#-1) tbar],
(# - 1) tbar <= t <= # tbar] & /@ Range[n]],
{t, 0, tmax},
BaseStyle -> Arrowheads[Medium],
BoxRatios -> 1,
ImageSize -> 400,
PlotStyle -> colors,
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
PlotRange -> {{-50, 60}, {-1, 1}, {-5, 15}}] /. Line -> Arrow,
{tmax, .01, n tbar},
AnimationRate -> 10]
Not exactly what was asked, but another way to visualize the flow, based on How can I create a fountain effect?:
{x0, y0, z0, last = 0, lam = 1.5, n = 500, colors, replace},
last = Clock[Infinity];
{x0, y0, z0} = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {3, n}];
colors = RandomColor[n];
Dynamic@ With[{t = Clock[Infinity]},
With[{dt = (t - last)/2}, With[{dl = lam^dt},
last = t;
x0 = x0*dl; y0 = y0/dl; z0 = z0 + dt; (* integration of velocity *)
replace = Pick[Range@n, UnitStep[z0 - 1], 1];
x0[[replace]] = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, Length@replace];
y0[[replace]] = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, Length@replace];
z0[[replace]] = RandomReal[{-1, -1 + dt}, Length@replace];
Transpose@{x0, y0, z0}
Point[Range@n, VertexColors -> colors]],
PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}, {-1, 1}}, Axes -> True,
AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}],
Initialization :> ({x0, y0, z0} = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {3, n}])
The integration is based on the ODE for $\Phi$, which is autonomous and linear and can be done by scalings and translation: $${d \over dt}\,(x,y,z) = (x \log \lambda, -y \log \lambda, 1)$$