Ansible - Check if string exists in file

It's a tricky one. the lineinfile module is specifically intended for modifying the content of a file, but you can use it for a validation check as well.

- name: find
    dest: /etc/passwd
    line: "user"
  check_mode: yes
  register: presence
  failed_when: presence.changed

check_mode ensures it never updates the file. register saves the variable as noted. failed_when allows you to set the failure condition i.e. by adding the user because it was not found in the file.

There are multiple iterations of this that you can use based on what you want the behavior to be. lineinfile docs particular related to state and regexp should allow you to determine whether or not presence or absence is failure etc, or you can do the not presence.changed etc.

If you want to fail if there is no user:

  - shell: grep username /etc/passwd
    changed_when: false

By default shell module will fail if command exit code is non zero.
So it will give you ok if username is there and fails otherwise.
I use changed_when: false to prevent changed state when grepping.

I'd probably register and evaluate a variable.

The following simple playbook works for me:

- hosts: localhost

  - name: read the passwd file
    shell: cat /etc/passwd
    register: user_accts

  - name: a task that only happens if the user exists
    when: user_accts.stdout.find('hillsy') != -1
    debug: msg="user hillsy exists"