Any PHP function that will strip properties of an object that are null?

Despite the name you can also use array_walk with a closure:

// Setup
$obj = (object) array('foo' => NULL, 'bar' => 'baz');

// equivalent to array_filter
array_walk($obj, function($v,$k) use ($obj) {
    if(empty($v)) unset($obj->$k);

// output


stdClass Object
    [foo] => bar

I'm going to add to the response given by El Yobo because that will only work if you have a 1 dimensional object or array. If there is any array or object nesting then in order to get the accepted solution to work you must create some sort of recursive array filter. Not good.

The best solution my colleague and I came up with was to actually perform a regular expression on the JSON string before it was returned from the server.

$json = json_encode($complexObject);
echo preg_replace('/,\s*"[^"]+":null|"[^"]+":null,?/', '', $json);

The regular expression will remove all places in the string of the form ,"key":null including any whitespace between the leading comma and the start of the key. It will also match "key":null, afterwards to make sure that no null values were found at the beginning of a JSON object.

This obviously isn't the most ideal situation but it will effectively remove null entries without having to develop some kind of recursive array filter.

Try this; it will only work on a simple object, but if it's coming from an ORM it should be simple enough.

// Strips any false-y values
$object = (object) array_filter((array) $object);

Thanks to Gordon's answer to another question yesterday for giving me the idea.

This works by

  • converting the object to an associative array, where object properties are the keys and their values are the array values
  • using array_filter with default arguments to remove array entries with a false (e.g. empty, or null) values
  • converting the new array back to a simple object

Note that this will remove all properties with empty values, including empty strings, false boolean values and 0s, not just nulls; you can change the array_filter call if you want to keep those and only remote those that are exactly null.

// Strips only null values
$object = (object) array_filter((array) $object, function ($val) {
    return !is_null($val);



