Any reason to clean up unused imports in Java, other than reducing clutter?
I don't think that performance problems or something like that are likely if you are not removing the imports.
But there could be naming conflicts, in rare cases like importing the list interface.
In Eclipse you can always use a shortcut (depends on OS - Win: Ctrl + SHIFT + O
and Mac: COMMAND + SHIFT + O
) to organize the imports. Eclipse then cleans up the import section removes all the stale imports etc. If you are needing a imported thing again eclipse will add them automatically while you are completing the statement with Ctrl + SPACE
. So there is no need in keeping unused code in you class.
As always unused code will distract you and other people while reading the code and leaving something in your active code because of maybe I need it later is mostly seen as bad practice.
One would be that if you remove the class referenced by the import from the classpath, you won't get a silly compiler error that served no purpose. And you won't get false positives when you perform a "where used" search.
Another (but this would be very specific in nature) would be if the unused import had naming conflicts with another import, causing you to use fully qualified names needlessly.
Addendum: Today the build server started failing compilation (not even test running) with an out of memory error. It ran fine forever and the check-ins didn't have any changes to the build process or significant additions that could explain this. After attempting to increase memory settings (this is running a 64 bit JVM on a 64 bit CentOS!) to something well beyond where the clients could compile, I examined the checkins one by one.
There was an improper import that a developer had used and abandoned (they used the class, auto-imported it, and then realized it was a mistake). That unused import pulled in a whole separate tier of the application which, while the IDE isn't configured to separate them, the build process is. That single import dragged in so many classes that the compiler attempted to compile without having the relevant dependent libraries in the classpath, that this caused so many issues that it caused the out of memory error. It took an hour to solve this problem caused by an unused import.