Any way to get the path parameters in httpservlet request

There's no other way to do it in a ServletFilter other than trying to parse the URI yourself, but you can access the path parameters if you decide to use a JAX-RS request filter:

public class PathParamterFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {

     public void filter(ContainerRequestContext request) throws IOException {
        MultivaluedMap<String, String> pathParameters = request.getUriInfo().getPathParameters();

You can autowire HttpServletRequest in your filter and use it to get information.

HttpServletRequest httpRequest


will give you map of path params.


If your request is like url/{requestId} then above map will return

0 = {LinkedHashMap$Entry@12596} "requestId" -> "a5185067-612a-422e-bac6-1f3d3fd20809"
 key = "requestId"
 value = "a5185067-612a-422e-bac6-1f3d3fd20809"