Any way to shuffle content in multiple div elements
are you ok with using a javascript library like jQuery? here's a quick jQuery example to accomplish what you're after. the only modification to your HTML is the addition of a container element as suggested:
<div id="shuffle">
<div id='d1'>...</div>
<div id='d2'>...</div>
<div id='d3'>...</div>
and javascript:
function shuffle(e) { // pass the divs to the function
var replace = $('<div>');
var size = e.size();
while (size >= 1) {
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * size);
var temp = e.get(rand); // grab a random div from our set
replace.append(temp); // add the selected div to our new set
e = e.not(temp); // remove our selected div from the main set
$('#shuffle').html(replace.html() ); // update our container div with the
// new, randomized divs
shuffle( $('#shuffle div') );
A recent question was just closed as duplicate of this, but I feel I've got a better answer than any here. This method is very direct. There's no mucking with copying HTML, thus preserving changes to the DOM, styles, event handlers, etc.
To shuffle all the children of some parent element, select a random child and append it back to the parent one at a time until all the children have been re-appended.
Using jQuery:
var parent = $("#shuffle");
var divs = parent.children();
while (divs.length) {
parent.append(divs.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * divs.length), 1)[0]);
Without jQuery it's similar and just as simple:
var parent = document.getElementById("shuffle");
var divs = parent.children;
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
while (divs.length) {
frag.appendChild(divs[Math.floor(Math.random() * divs.length)]);
Edit: Here's a break down of the code:
// Create a document fragment to hold the shuffled elements
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Loop until every element is moved out of the parent and into the document fragment
while (divs.length) {
// select one random child element and move it into the document fragment
frag.appendChild(divs[Math.floor(Math.random() * divs.length)]);
// appending the document fragment appends all the elements, in the shuffled order
You can grab the content of each div
c1 = document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML
c2 = document.getElementById('div2').innerHTML
c3 = document.getElementById('div3').innerHTML
Then determine a new order for them randomly .. and then put each content in the new destination
say for instance, the randomness gave:
c1_div = 'div2'
c2_div = 'div1'
c3_div = 'div3'
then you just:
document.getElementById(c1_div).innerHTML = c1
document.getElementById(c2_div).innerHTML = c2
document.getElementById(c3_div).innerHTML = c3