Apache Server Won't Start in MAMP

My solution: in /Applications/Mamp/Library/bin, find the file envvars and rename it to _envvars.

now it works.

I encountered this same issue with the same log output above, but did not need to reinstall MAMP to solve the issue in my case. When I encountered this error it was related to one of the hosts I had set up. Click the Hosts tab and see if any of your hosts appear in red:

enter image description here

The host in red required SSL certificates. In the configuration I did not have valid references to the required certificates after I had altered the file structure of my application. After fixing this issue and applying changes the host was no longer highlighted in red, and I was able to start Apache through MAMP.

Additionally, you can ensure that the problem doesn't have to do with your Apache client itself by running this command in terminal:

sudo /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/apachectl restart


sudo /Applications/MAMP\ PRO/Library/bin/apachectl restart

If you are able to start Apache in terminal, you have ruled out that you have an error with MAMP's Apache client itself.

Change the name of the file envvars to _envvars in /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin , thats it .


