App Installation failed. No code signature found

Figured it out:

I ran into this issue with carthage: and used their suggested solution of setting EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY='' when I was transferring stuff over to xcode 10.

Evidently this line is what causing carthage to hurt itself when copying frameworks, causing the error. I downloaded the most recent version of carthage to fix the issue, and then removed the EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY='' line and everything worked. What a waste of time.

Not sure if this is also your case, but I also encountered this error recently while trying to run a React Native app on iPhone. It started happening after I integrated Lottie library for React Native

The issue was caused by this Run Script added in Build Phases: The script failed to extract architectures from Lottie.framework giving a "input file (.../Lottie.framework/Lottie) must be a fat file when the -extract option is specified

To fix this I added a verification in the script to skip non-fat files:

# ...

if lipo -info "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH" | grep -iq "Non-fat file"
echo "This is a non-fat file, skipping"

# ...