append query string to any form of URL


$urls = array(

$query = 'q2=two';

foreach($urls as &$url) {
   $parsedUrl = parse_url($url);
   if ($parsedUrl['path'] == null) {
      $url .= '/';
   $separator = ($parsedUrl['query'] == NULL) ? '?' : '&';
   $url .= $separator . $query;



array(5) {
  string(29) ""
  string(32) ""
  string(39) ""
  string(36) ""
  &string(43) ""


$url is your URL. Use strpos function

if(strpos($url,'?') !== false) {
   $url .= '&q2=two';
} else {
   $url .= '?q2=two';

I know this is old, but I improved alex's answer to account for the "#" part of the string.

$urls = array(

$query = 'q2=two';

foreach($urls as &$url) {
    $pound = "";
    $poundPos = -1;

    //Is there a #?
    if ( ( $poundPos = strpos( $url, "#" ) ) !== false )
        $pound = substr( $url, $poundPos );
        $url = substr( $url, 0, $poundPos );

    $separator = (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY) == NULL) ? '?' : '&';
    $url .= $separator . $query . $pound;


This is the function I use:

 * @param string $url
 * @param $query string|array
 * @return string
public function appendQueryStringToURL(string $url, $query): string
    // the query is empty, return the original url straightaway
    if (empty($query)) {
        return $url;

    $parsedUrl = parse_url($url);
    if (empty($parsedUrl['path'])) {
        $url .= '/';

    // if the query is array convert it to string
    $queryString = is_array($query) ? http_build_query($query) : $query;

    // check if there is already any query string in the URL
    if (empty($parsedUrl['query'])) {
        // remove duplications
        parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray);
        $url .= '?' . http_build_query($queryStringArray);
    } else {
        $queryString = $parsedUrl['query'] . '&' . $queryString;

        // remove duplications
        parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray);

        // place the updated query in the original query position
        $url = substr_replace($url, http_build_query($queryStringArray), strpos($url, $parsedUrl['query']), strlen($parsedUrl['query']));

    return $url;

It accepts query as string or array. Also it handles # in URL and removes the duplicated query strings automatically. Here is the test as well. Please replace CLASS_THAT_CONTAINS_appendQueryStringToURL with the correct class in your project:

public function testAppendQueryStringToURL()
    $helper = new CLASS_THAT_CONTAINS_appendQueryStringToURL();

    $inputsOutputs = [
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1&q2=2',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1',
            'o' => ''
        // overwrite the existing
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=3',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => 'q1=1',
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1, 'q2' => 2],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 3],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1],
            'o' => ''
            'i' => '',
            'q' => ['q1' => 1],
            'o' => ''

    foreach ($inputsOutputs as $inputOutput) {
        $this->assertEquals($inputOutput['o'], $helper->appendQueryStringToURL($inputOutput['i'], $inputOutput['q']));

