Apple Developer - Provisioning profile showing invalid status

May be you added a new device to the mix or updated something else that affects this mobileprovision. Click on the Edit and just re-generate the mobileprovision and the status should then go from Invalid to Green dot that is Valid

Q: What causes the provisioning profile "Invalid" status? How do I resolve it, and how do I prevent it?

A: The provisioning profile invalid status is caused by changes to the profile’s associated certificate or App ID. Any time an App ID or certificate changes, all profiles that are associated to it are marked Invalid. This does not apply to Xcode's team profiles, but applies to all profiles that Xcode does not manage, specifically, custom development profiles and distribution profiles. This document explains the causes in detail and provides steps to resolve and avoid the profile invalid status.

The provisioning profile lives for 1 year, maybe it expired so simply remove it and make another one with the same certificates, app ids and devices and you can use it without any problem.

If you generate a new provisioning profile, your old installations (store or adhoc) won't be affected

In my case I have changed my Identifier Name after creating the provisional profile. That's why it was showing Invalid.

I just clicked the provisional profile which was showing Invalid and clicked the Edit and Save button without changing anything. Then it became Valid and showed the expiration date. Now I downloaded the new file once again