Applescript: Get filenames in folder without extension

Single line way of doing it, no Finder, no System Events. So more efficient and faster. Side effect (could be good, or bad): a file name ending with "." will have this character stripped out. Using "reverse of every character" makes it works if the name as more than one period.

set aName to text 1 thru ((aName's length) - (offset of "." in ¬
    (the reverse of every character of aName) as text)) of aName

The solution as a handler to process a list of names:

on RemoveNameExt(aList)
    set CleanedList to {}
    repeat with aName in aList
        set the end of CleanedList to text 1 thru ((aName's length) - (offset of ¬
            "." in (the reverse of every character of aName) as text)) of aName
    end repeat
    return CleanedList
end RemoveNameExt

From :

on remove_extension(this_name)
  if this_name contains "." then
    set this_name to ¬
    (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
    set x to the offset of "." in this_name
    set this_name to (text (x + 1) thru -1 of this_name)
    set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
  end if
  return this_name
end remove_extension