Apply different functions to different sets of columns by group

As always with this sort of programmatic use of [.data.table, the general strategy is to construct an expression e that that can be evaluated in the j argument. Once you understand that (as I'm sure you do), it just becomes a game of computing on the language to get a j-slot expression that looks like what you'd write at the command line.

Here, for instance, and given the particular values in your example, you'd like a call that looks like:

test[, list(dat1=sum(dat1), dat2=sum(dat2), nv1=nv1[1], nv2=nv2[1]),
       by=c("g1", "g2")]

so the expression you'd like evaluated in the j-slot is

list(dat1=sum(dat1), dat2=sum(dat2), nv1=nv1[1], nv2=nv2[1])

Most of the following function is taken up with constructing just that expression:

f <- function(dt, bycols, datacols, nvcols) {
    e <- c(sapply(datacols, function(x) call("sum", as.symbol(x))),
           sapply(nvcols, function(x) call("[", as.symbol(x), 1)))
    e<-"list"), e))
    dt[,eval(e), by=bycols]

f(test, bycols=bycols, datacols=datacols, nvcols=nonvaryingcols)
##      g1 g2      dat1      dat2 nv1 nv2
##   1:  a  A 0.8403809 0.6713090   1   1
##   2:  b  A 0.4491883 0.4607716   2   2
##   3:  c  A 0.6083939 1.2031960   3   3
##   4:  d  A 1.5510033 1.2945761   4   4
##   5:  e  A 1.1302971 0.8573135   5   5
##  ---                                  
## 126:  v  Z 0.5627018 0.4282380 126 126
## 127:  w  Z 0.7588966 1.4429034 127 127
## 128:  x  Z 0.7060596 1.3736510 128 128
## 129:  y  Z 0.6015249 0.4488285 129 129
## 130:  z  Z 1.5304034 1.6012207 130 130

Here's what I had come up with. It works, but very slowly.

test[, {
  cbind( t( sapply( .SD[, ..datacols], sum ) ) ),
    .SD[, ..nonvaryingcols][1]
}, by = bycols ]


FunJosh <- function() {
  f(test, bycols=bycols, datacols=datacols, nvcols=nonvaryingcols)
FunAri <- function() {
  test[, {
    cbind( t( sapply( .SD[, ..datacols], sum ) ) ),
      .SD[, ..nonvaryingcols][1]
  }, by = bycols ]
FunEddi <- function() {
    test[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = bycols, .SDcols = datacols], 
    test[, lapply(.SD, "[", 1), by = bycols, .SDcols = nonvaryingcols][, ..nonvaryingcols]

identical(FunJosh(), FunAri())
# [1] TRUE

microbenchmark(FunJosh(), FunAri(), FunEddi())
#Unit: milliseconds
#      expr        min         lq     median         uq        max neval
# FunJosh()   2.749164   2.958478   3.098998   3.470937   6.863933   100
#  FunAri() 246.082760 255.273839 284.485654 360.471469 509.740240   100
# FunEddi()   5.877494   6.229739   6.528205   7.375939 112.895573   100

At least two orders of magnitude slower than @joshobrien's solution. Edit @Eddi's solution is much faster as well, and shows that cbind wasn't optimal but could be fairly fast in the right hands. Might be all the transforming and sapplying I was doing rather than just directly using lapply.


Just for a bit of variety, here is a variant of @Josh O'brien's solution that uses the bquote operator instead of call. I did try to replace the final with a bquote, but because bquote doesn't support list splicing (e.g., see this question), I couldn't get that to work.

f <- function(dt, bycols, datacols, nvcols) {
        datacols = sapply(datacols, as.symbol)
        nvcols = sapply(nvcols, as.symbol)
        e = c(lapply(datacols, function(x) bquote(sum(.(x)))),
              lapply(nvcols, function(x) bquote(.(x)[1])))
        e ="list"), e))
        dt[,eval(e), by=bycols]

>   f(test, bycols=bycols, datacols=datacols, nvcols=nonvaryingcols)
     g1 g2   dat1   dat2 nv1 nv2
  1:  a  A 0.8404 0.6713   1   1
  2:  b  A 0.4492 0.4608   2   2
  3:  c  A 0.6084 1.2032   3   3
  4:  d  A 1.5510 1.2946   4   4
  5:  e  A 1.1303 0.8573   5   5
126:  v  Z 0.5627 0.4282 126 126
127:  w  Z 0.7589 1.4429 127 127
128:  x  Z 0.7061 1.3737 128 128
129:  y  Z 0.6015 0.4488 129 129
130:  z  Z 1.5304 1.6012 130 130