Apps won't show in Django admin

Do you have your apps in the INSTALLED_APPS section in Make sure it has your apps listed there. My section reads



for instance. I'm pretty sure for security, they won't show up in the admin unless they are in installed apps. I think I had this same issue, where I couldn't get cowsite to show up in the admin.

The Django docs say about the admin page: "By default, it displays all the apps in INSTALLED_APPS that have been registered with the admin application, in alphabetical order"

Are you logging in to admin as a superuser? If not, it could be a permissions problem.

By coincidence I had the same problem this morning. Briefly, this is what worked for me (see references for details):

In the top level directory of MyApp (ie same directory as, etc.) I added a python module, containing:

from models import ThisModel, ThatModel
from django.contrib import admin

Then in mysite directory I did syncdb and runserver, and ThisModel and ThatModel were in the admin interface.

Does that work for you?

Best wishes


** References

(I am a new member so I am allowed to post one hyperlink only!)

Django tutorial: Make the poll app modifiable in the admin

There was also a query on the Pinax google group recently titled, "How to add my app to Admin in a Pinax project?"