Appstore FailureNo architectures in the binary. Lipo failed to detect any architectures in the bundle executable.” At SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset

That can also happen when the Cocoapods cache is not in sync, then just

pod install

solves the issue.

Hi I'm glad i found the Answer. The problem was actually with my 'Productname' in info.plist . It was different in my first version.

Same thing. Had this issue. I just changed Project -> Build Settings -> Produc Name (wrote: "Wundmanager")


Project -> General -> Identity -> Bundle Identifier (wrote "imeksbank.Wundmanager")

my nick is imeksbank

and then

iTunes Connect and the same to Bundle-ID (chnaged "imeksbank.Wundmanager")

After that it worked for me. I am also new and today is my first day i can Upload my first App. xcode 5.1.1 ios 7.1