Are there any benefits for going after non-lethal takedowns in Cyberpunk?

There are numerous missions (both story and side missions) that want you to go in silently and not kill anybody. These missions can still be completed loud but may have a different outcome - in the instances of side jobs this normally means you're missing out on a bonus payment for completing the job how the fixer wanted it fixing.

There are also numerous instances where killing somebody is then bought up later in conversation (as both a positive and a negative, depending on the conversation you're having) however this does not have a final impact on the endings available to you.

I mean I'm 2-3 days in now. There is no XP difference if they live or die, there is no moral choice, or anything really. There are some missions that ask you do non-lethal takedowns but besides that nothing.

If you do a non-lethal takedown then punch them in the head, you get double experience/street cred it seems.