Are there any concurrent containers in C++11?

According to Diego Dagum from Microsoft's Visual C++ Team:

A recurrent question (well, one of the many) is about STL containers and whether they are thread safe.

Taking Stephan’s words here, the reality is that they aren’t, not as a bug but as a feature: having every member function of every STL container acquiring an internal lock would annihilate performance. As a general purpose, highly reusable library, it wouldn’t actually provide correctness either: the correct level to place locks is determined by what the program is doing. In that sense, individual member functions don’t tend to be such correct level.

The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) includes several containers that provide thread-safe access to their elements:

  • The concurrent_vector Class is a sequence container class that allows random access to any element. It enables concurrency-safe append, element access, iterator access and iterator traversal operations.
  • The concurrent_queue Class is a sequence container class that allows first-in, first-out access to its elements. It enables a limited set of concurrency-safe operations, such as push and try_pop, to name a few.

Some samples here.

Also interesting:

C++11 does not provide concurrent containers by itself. However, there are library options. Besides the already mentioned PPL, don't forget the Intel TBB library.

It has a concurrent queue, hash_map, set and vector implementation. But it's not only a thread-safe container library, it also comes with parallel version of standard algorithms (for-loop, reduce, sort,...).

Intel TBB website

I am surprised that nobody mentioned moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue. We have been using it for quite some time and it performs very well. It is specific that its implementation is lock-free, which immediately brings an enormous speed. Other reasons for using it (quoting from the official site):

There are not that many full-fledged lock-free queues for C++. Boost has one, but it's limited to objects with trivial assignment operators and trivial destructors, for example. Intel's TBB queue isn't lock-free, and requires trivial constructors too. There's many academic papers that implement lock-free queues in C++, but usable source code is hard to find, and tests even more so.

Some benchmarks and comparisons are available here, here and here.

Caveat: in a case of multiple producers, the order of popped elements is not guaranteed to be the same as the order of pushed elements (@IgorLevicki), so if you need this guarantee, look for some other option.