Are there any good graphical Git and Hg/Mercurial clients on Mac OS X?

I started a 21-day trial of SourceTree a couple of days ago (first public release was October 26th). I already prefer it to the other three well-known Mac OS GUIs for Mercurial, but I'm new to Mercurial and therefore not a power user. It most closely resembles Murky. It was very easy to get it up and running and its balance between features and simplicity suits my tastes very well.

I have no association with the developer other than being very happy with how quickly he's been responding to the issues I've raised.

For Mercurial, you should take a look at MacHg. It's free and open source. It uses the native GUI toolkit for Mac and comes with its own bundled version of Mercurial. It is very polished:

State after a merge in MacHg

There are many more screenshots available.

I've also heard many good things about SourceTree, which is both a Git and a Mercurial client. Atlassian (owners of Bitbucket) bought it recently and are now offering it as a free download.

I just thought I'd mention that SourceTree is a Mac OS X client for both Mercurial and Git, in one tool. I wasn't sure if you were looking for that, or just mentioned both because you hadn't decided which to use yet; personally as an open source developer / user, having both available in one tool is very useful to me (that's why I wrote it :))

The main cocoa git gui apps are gitx and gitnub... But I figure you've already seen them... Do you have specific issues with them?

(edit - granted, neither of these can perform a git clone yet; they take over after a clone is created...)

A recent comparison of OSX Git clients